Shameful - Scandalos
Shameful (English version) Written on 15.03.2021 Is shameful There is no point Today's society is run naturally From stupid people to other stupid people If you have something to say You're taken down cause you think If you're an idiot You have a special place up there If you do something good It's quickly forgotten If you did something wrong If you are a star you are a god If you are anonymous you are a loser For the same fact If you like outrageous things There is no point To lose your time with me I won’t do that I use my mind And if you don't like it That's all I can do I am what I am Even if anonymous I won't lick walls For fake friends ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scandalos (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 15.03.2021 Este scandalos Nu are nici un rost Societatea actuala e condusa firesc De oameni prosti pentru alti prosti Daca ai ceva in cap Esti luat la rost Daca esti idiot Ai special un ...