On the back of the Moon - Pe spatele Lunii

Day 1 - Answer to the letter: (English version)

Hello Aldrin,

    For each of us, the Moon has a different meaning. From the purely scientific value of the cold stone to the sensitivity told in the stories, we all see it differently. I prefer the more artistic approach.
    I am happy for your achievement, phenomenal for you and humankind. I hope that in time and in between skies this step will be an achievement towards the evolution of humanity. Being human is nothing without humanity.
    You know the possibility of flying in the Universe has always fascinated me, even with the thought, but, after the last events, I think that, before stepping into the Universe, we must learn to walk on Earth.

    I look forward to hearing more about your new achievements and until then let's drink, my friend, let's drink.

 With friendship,

On the back of the moon

On the back of the Moon we jump
We all see the moon
For some is stone cold
For others, a sweet story

We jump on the back of the Moon
To hide our fears
And we want from below
To fight our battles

We run towards evolution
Without understanding what we lose
Without thinking about what we have
We reach for other times
I hope that in time and skies
This may be a step towards evolution

We jump on the back of the Moon
To hide our fears
And we want from below
To fight our battles

To jump on the back of the Moon
It's my dream
But before stepping into the Universe
We must learn to walk the Earth

We jump on the back of the Moon
To hide our fears
And we want from below
To fight our battles


Ziua 1 - Raspuns la scrisoare: (versiune originala in romana)

Hello Aldrin,

    Pentru fiecare dintre noi Luna are o alta insemnatate. De la valoarea pur stiintifica a pietrei reci pana la sensibilitatea spusa in povesti toti o vedem diferit. Eu prefer descrierea mai artistica.
    Ma bucur pentru realizarea ta, fenomenala pentru tine si omenire. Sper ca peste timp si ceruri acest pas sa fie o realizare spre evolutia umanitatii. A fi om, e nimic fara umanitate.
    Posibilitatea de zbura in Univers stii ca m-a fascinat mereu, chiar si cu gandul dar, dupa ultimele evenimente, ma gandesc ca, inainte de a pasi in Univers, trebuie sa invatam sa calcam pe Pamant.

    Astept cu interes sa mai aud despre noile tale realizari si pana atunci sa bem prietene, sa bem.

 Cu prietenie,

Pe spatele Lunii

Pe spatele Luni sarim
Luna toti o zarim
Pentru unii piatra rece
Pentru altii dulce poveste

Pe spatele Lunii sarim
Sa ne ascundem fricile
Si de jos nazuim
Sa ne purtam luptele

Fugim spre evolutie
Fara sa intelegem ce pierdem
Fara sa ne gandim la ce avem
Ne intindem spre alte vremuri
Sper ca peste timp si ceruri
Sa ne fie pas spre evolutie

Pe spatele Lunii sarim
Sa ne ascundem fricile
Si de jos nazuim
Sa ne purtam luptele

Pe spatele Lunii sa sar
E al meu vis
Dar inainte de a pasi in Univers
Trebuie sa invatam sa umblam pe Pamant

Pe spatele Lunii sarim
Sa ne ascundem fricile
Si de jos nazuim
Sa ne purtam luptele


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