
 Day 2 - Song inspired by a sound

For me this challenge was torture. I know those were supposed to be relaxing sounds, but this kind of sounds give me migraines, so I had to write this with a terrible headache. I chose the sound of thunder and storm, because it was the only bearable one for me. I don't sing and I don't have a voice for that, so after you will play it, your head will hurt too.

Writing with a breaking soul

Tears of the rain are down

Out of air is fear

I have lost my time,

My chances, my style.

I have lost myself 

On the road of fear

Writing with a breaking soul

Tears of the rain are down

Out of air is fear

A part of my soul

Pull from the past,

Pull from myself

Is breaking now

Writing with a breaking soul

Tears of the rain are down

Out of air is fear

Waiting to fall

Hoping to be tall

Writing with a breaking soul

Tears of the rain are down

Out of air is fear

 Push Play if you want your ears to cry

Cantec inspirat de un sunet

Pentru mine sarcina asta a fost o tortura. Stiu ca alea trebuiau sa fie sunete de relaxare dar mie, acest gen de sunete, imi provoaca migrene, deci a trebuit sa scriu asta cu o durere teribila de cap. Am ales sunetul cu tunete si furtuna, pentru ca a fost singurul suportabil pentru mine. Nu cant si nu am voce deci, dupa ce o sa dati play, o sa va doara si pe voi capul.


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