Whatever - Orice ar fi

Whatever (English version)

Written on 27.04.2021

I am by your side

No matter what happens

My love for you does not disappear

Whatever it is, I love you

You are first and foremost

Which awakened my love

Whatever it would be, I love you

You woke me up

I will love you forever and a day

Whatever happens to me, to you

I will stay with you

I remain in love

Whatever it is, I love you

Even when you disappear

I cherish you and I will wait for you

Whatever it is, I’m with you

Through fire, through water, through desert

I will cross them all to be with you

Whatever it would be, I will come

If you need me

If you call me, I'll come

Whatever it would be, I love you

Space and time don’t stop me

A whole world to conquer for you

Time is passing

My love remains

You can break me into 1000 pieces

I remain forever in love


Orice ar fi (versiune in romana)

Scrisa in 27.04.2021

Eu sunt alaturi de tine

Indiferent ce mi se intampla mie

Iubirea mea pentru tine nu dispare

Orice ar fi eu te iubesc

Esti prima si singura

Ce mi-a trezit iubirea

Orice ar fi eu te iubesc

M-ai trezit in simtire

Am sa te iubesc o vesnicie

Orice s-ar intampla cu tine

Eu raman alaturi de tine

Eu raman constanta in iubire

Orice ar fi eu te iubesc

Chiar si atunci cand dispari

Eu te pretuiesc si te astept

Orice ar fi iti sunt alaturi

Prin foc, prin apa, prin pustiu

Am sa-l strabat alaturi sa-ti fiu

Orice ar fi eu am sa vin

Daca vei avea nevoie de mine

Daca ma chemi, eu am sa vin

Orice ar fi eu te iubesc

Spatiul si timpul nu ma opresc

O lume intreaga biruiesc

Timpul e trecator

Iubirea mea ramane

Poti sa ma spargi in bucati 1000

Eu raman constanta in iubire


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