I love the woman - Iubesc femeia

I love the woman (English version)

Written on 10.04.2021

I love the woman

Of my dreams

Because another is not like her

I love the woman

With good and with bad

Because both are parts of her

I love the woman

Day and night

I'm just thinking about her

I love the woman

For better or for worse

To sit next to her

I love the woman

Complete and sincere

As she deserves

I love the woman

From my dreams

She is the only one


Iubesc femeia (versiune in romana)

Scris in 20.04.2021

Iubesc femeia 

Visurilor mele

Caci alta nu mai e ca ea

Iubesc femeia

Cu bune si cu rele

Caci ambele sunt parti din ea

Iubesc femeia

Ziua si noaptea

Mi-e gandul doar la ea

Iubesc femeia

La bine si la greu

Sa pot sta langa ea

Iubesc femeia

Complet si sincer

Asa cum merita ea

Iubesc femeia

Din visele mele

Doar una e ca ea


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