I stay - Eu raman

I stay (English version)

Written on 27.04.2021

You can tear me apart

You can turn your back on me

You can drive me away

But I'll stay with you

You can provoke me

You can hurt me

You can try to scare me

I'm still with you

You can dominate me

You can reject me

And to drive me away

That you don't care about me

If you need me

I will be with you

If you need me

I will be with you

Now or over 1000 years

Time is passing

My love remains

You can throw me

You can break me down

You can break me into 1000 pieces

I remain forever in love


Eu raman (versiune in romana)

Scrisa in 27.04.2021

Ma poti sfasia

Poti sa-mi intorci spatele

Poti sa ma alungi

Dar iti raman alaturi


Poti sa ma provoci

Poti sa ma ranesti

Poti incerca sa ma sperii

Eu tot iti sunt alaturi


Poti sa ma domini

Poti sa ma respingi

Si sa ma alungi

Ca nu-ti pasa de mine

Daca ai nevoie de mine

Eu am sa-ti fiu alaturi


Daca vei avea nevoie de mine

Voi fi alaturi de tine

Acum sau peste ani 1000

Timpul e trecator

Iubirea mea ramane


Poti sa ma arunci

Poti sa ma descompui

Poti sa ma spargi in bucati 1000

Eu raman constanta in iubire


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