The Dark Side
The Dark Side (English version)
Written on 24.02.2022
Welcome to my dark side
Full of doubts
And mistrusts
Fear and black thoughts
Welcome to my dark side
Where the smile dies
And the silence slowly disappears
Deleted by anger and despair
Welcome to my dark side
Where I despise everything I meet
Where I run away from everything I find
Where I hate myself the most
Welcome to my dark side
When dreams fall into disrepair
When I hide from myself
Between empty glasses
Welcome to my dark side
Where I don't want to live anymore
And I play the perverse game
Against me
War inside in war outside
The Dark Side (versiune in romana si engleza)
Scrisa in 24.02.2022
Welcome to my dark side
Plina de indoieli
Si de neincredere
De frici si ganduri negre
Welcome to my dark side
Unde zambetul moare
Si linistea incet dispare
Sterse de furie si disperare
Welcome to my dark side
Unde dispretuiesc tot ce intalnesc
Unde fug de tot ce gasesc
Unde cel mai tare pe mine ma urasc
Welcome to my dark side
Cand visele cad in nepasare
Cand ma ascund de mine
Printre pahare goale
Welcome to my dark side
Cand nu mai vreau sa traiesc
Si joc jocul pervers si tulbure
Impotriva propriului interes
War inside in war outside
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