Sweet madness - Dulce Nebunie

Sweet madness (English version)
Written on 27.02.2022

Sweet madness
Of latest times
Sweet love
For some wrong
More real and dignified
Than crooked love
In 8 years you have been with me
In life and death
You're my partner
Among the waves of life
I lived the joys
And we were together
Through turbulent times too
We will be a team
In peace and in battle

I love you now and always
And I will always be with you 
Everywhere life will take us
I hope always life will bind us
To be my girlfriend, sister, lover
And most of all, cherished


Dulce Nebunie (versiune in romana)
Scrisa in 27.02.2022

Dulce nebunie
A vremii din urma,
Dulce iubire
Pentru unii pagana
Mai reala si demna
Ca dragostea stramba.

In 8 ani mi-ai fost alaturi
In viata si moarte
Imi esti partenera
Printre ale vietii valuri,
Am trait bucurii
Si ne-am fost alaturi
Prin vremuri si tulburi
Vom fi echipa
Si-n pace si-n lupta.

Te iubesc acum si mereu
Si am sa-ti fiu mereu alaturi la greu
Oriunde ne va duce viata
Sper, mereu sa ne lege ata
Sa-mi fii prietena, sora, iubita
Si mai presus de toate, pretuita.


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