Break the line

Break the line (English version)

Written on 18.01.2022

You say you know me,

You say you feel me

If that is really so

You know I don't give up

To love, to you

Even if I give up on myself

I'll find a way

To break the line

I'll break the line

That separates us

Even if it means

To break myself

In a thousand pieces

To throw myself into the world

To break myself in pieces

I'll find a way

To cross the line

Even if it means

To destroy my world

I'll cross the line

I don’t give up

I will not give up

I'm breaking myself

I'm breaking into pieces

I'll find a way to break the line


Break the line (versiune in romana) 

Scrisa in 18.01.2022

Spui ca ma cunosti,

Spui ca ma simti

Daca chiar e asa

Stii ca nu renunt

La iubire, la tine

Chiar daca renunt la mine

Voi gasi o cale

Sa rup linia


O sa rup linia

Care ne separa

Chiar daca inseamna

Sa ma rup pe mine

In bucati o mie

Sa ma arunc in lume

Sa ma fac farame


Voi gasi o cale

Sa trec linia

Chiar daca asta inseamna

Sa-mi distrug lumea

O sa trec linia


Nu renunt

Nu voi renunta

Ma rup pe mine insami

Ma rup in bucati

Voi gasi o cale sa rup linia


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