My Angel - Ingerul meu
My Angel (English version)
Written on 27.02.2023
You are my angel
Who was with me when I fell
Who gave me wings
When I hit the ground
Who gave me faith
When I met death
Who stayed by my side
When my world was broken
Which kept me
When everything around fell apart
You are the only one who believed in me
When I didn't believe either
You are my family, my partner, my lover
You are my hope and strength
You are my fulfillment and trust
Ingerul meu
Scris im 27.02.2023
Esti ingerul meu
Care mi-a fost alaturi cand am cazut
Care mi-a dat aripi
Cand m-am lovit de pamant
Care mi-a dat credinta
Cand m-am intalnit cu moartea
Care mi-a stat alaturi
Cand lumea mi s-a naruit
Care m-a tinut
Cand totul in jur s-a destramat
Esti singura care a crezut in mine
Atunci cand nici eu nu mai credeam
Imi esti familie, partenera, iubita
Imi esti speranta si putere
Imi esti implinire si nadejde
Aceasta este ultima lucrare realizata in Romania. O dedic logodnicei mele, ingerul meu care, in ultimi 9 ani, mi-a fost alaturi in cele mai grele moment din viata mea. Te iubesc si sper sa construiesc acolo un viitor mai bun pentru noi.
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