I love you - Te iubesc

I love you (English version)

Written on 20.03.2022

I love you like a flowery field

Who sees the sun after too much rain

I love you like a flower bud

Who appears easy, shy with hope

I love you in silence

          And dreams

I love you like a sea at sunset

          Which makes you think of a new beginning

I love you tenderly

          As a spring breeze

I love you serenely

          Like the sky from your eyes

I love you silently

          Like a rain in month of March

I just love you


Te iubesc (versiune in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 20.03.2022

Te iubesc ca un camp

Ce vede soarele dupa prea multe ploi

Te iubesc ca un mugur de floare

Ce apare usor, timid cu speranta

Te iubesc in tacere

          Si in visare

Te iubesc ca o mare in apus

          Ce poarta gandul spre un nou inceput

Te iubesc cu tandretea

          Unei brize de primavara

Te iubesc senin

          Ca cerul din ochii tai

Te iubesc tacut

          Ca o ploaie molcoma de mai

I just love you


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