
Se afișează postări din februarie, 2021

After 7 years - Dupa 7 ani

After seven years (English version) Written on 27.02.2021 We chose to always remain friends Whatever may happen We went through the disease together We were together through death We supported each other When others wanted to bring down our spirits We chose to remain good friends Even if love is fading away Because we built our relationship on respect and trust And we will support each other at any time Wherever the road will take us Even if on separate paths We chose a strong friendship To let our humanity guide us Because this is a strong path in life We know our secrets, our dreams We also know our pain We also accept our feelings We support our projects When others tear us down --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dupa sapte ani (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 27.02.2021   Am ales sa ramanem mereu prietene Orice s-ar intampla Am trecut impreuna prin boala Ne-am fost alaturi si in moarte Ne-am sustinut una pe alta Cand alti...

Song - Cantec

Song (English version) Written on 26.02.2021 I start my journey The road is holy And if I were to die Throw my ashes From a mountain top To get lost in the boots Among steep cliffs Hey, hey on the road again I started now To discover new places Be the hard way I always enjoy it Come through the world, come through life The voice of the train wheels learns Come through the world, come through life I have no secrets I have a clear heart The road is my home With your face in front   Come through the world, come through life Let's love each other in colors Let's reach sunrises Let's love each other at sunset I have no secrets My heart is clear I carry you in my thoughts And when the ocean separates us My vision is tender When from miles I hear your call It's no secret What I feel just for you It is constant, it is persistent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cantec (versiune in romana) Scris in 26.02.2021 Am por...

Your eyes - Ochii tai

Your eyes (English version) Written on 24.02.2021 Your eyes keep changing Your eyes are wonderful Not a day goes by without looking for them I don't leave a day without seeing them Your eyes are blue as the clear sky When you are happy I get lost in them, I get lost in contemplation Your eyes turn gray as the cloudy sky When you are sad I throw myself into them And I would like to be your sunshine Your eyes change to green When unspoken emotions Are hidden in your soul I look at them And I would like to kiss your heart Your eyes, deeper than the sea Gentle even when you want to look tough They are the mirror to your pure soul -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ochii tai (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 24.02.2021 Ochii tai sunt cameleonici Ochii tai sunt minunati Nu trece o zi fara sa-i caut Nu las o zi fara sa-i zaresc Ochii tai sunt albastri ca cerul senin Atunci cand esti fericita Ma pierd in ei, Ma pierd in contemplare Ochii tai d...

Beautiful stranger - Frumoasa straina

Beautiful stranger (English version) Written on 23.02.2021 Beautiful stranger Thought in silence Unspoken whisper Over the centuries Beautiful stranger You are my muse I respect you forever Even in my bad jokes Beautiful stranger I swear you're sublime Divine creation I love you in whisper Beautiful stranger Once upon a time, art Over time appreciated You are harmony to my soul -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frumoasa straina (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 23.02.2021 Frumoasa straina Gand in surdina Soapta nespusa Peste veacuri dusa Frumoasa straina Imi esti muza sublima Te respect in veci Chiar si in glumele seci Frumoasa straina Jur ca esti sublima Creatie divina Te iubesc in taina Frumoasa straina Peste vremuri arta Peste timpuri harta In suflet imi esti draga

The old woman farting - Batranica basinoasa

The picture was taken in 2016 at the Museum of Ages where they occasionally have an aging application. As I was sitting these days waiting for the public transport and shivering from cold, such a mad thought came to me, a deeply philosophical thought, which has been haunting me for a week. Some would say that death is the only sure thing in life, but now that there is cryogenics and the transfer of electrical impulses from the brain to the computer, I would not be so sure and an even longer discussion would arise. But one thing is certain in everyone's life, regardless of status, money or power. That is a simple and natural thing: fart - the farting. Everyone fears it is worse than death, especially nowadays. Some people are made for greatness and to be leaders of opinion, others, like me, are forgotten whatever they would do. How will it be to invent a doll to put on the car with my old face, not to shake its head like basketball players from top to bottom, but beat like that, fro...

I’m a drama queen

I’m a drama queen (English version) Written on 16.02.2021 I'm a drama queen I broke my nail What a tragedy I can make a little line I'm a drama queen Morning is a tragedy I like sleeping It’s written on my coffee cup I'm a drama queen I broke my nail What a tragedy I can make a little line I'm a drama queen It's a scary movie I can't lose weight When I eat the cake I'm a drama queen I broke my nail What a tragedy I can make a little line I'm a drama queen It's crazy I'm an buffalo in the year of the ox Can I call myself a cow? I'm a drama queen I broke my nail What a tragedy I can make a little line I'm a drama queen I'm full of shit To the end of the line I can give you laughing diarrhea I'm a drama queen I broke my nail What a tragedy I can make a little line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m a drama queen (versiune in romana si engleza) Scrisa in 16.02.2021 I...

I love you - Te iubesc

I love you (English version) Written on 13.02.2021 I love you sublime being How I didn't love and I don't love anymore You are my love and hope You make me smile and miss you I love you my good beauty Even if you never believe me You are my strength and weakness You are my truth and mystery I love you from the bottom of my heart and forever It's becoming clearer to me as time goes on You are my dream and fulfillment You are my hope and dedication I love you this is the truth You would thought it is a crush You might think a cliché Who would believe? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Te iubesc (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 13.02.2021   Te iubesc fiinta sublima Cum nu am iubit si nu mai iubesc Imi esti iubire si speranta Imi esti zambet si dor Te iubesc frumoasa mea buna Chiar daca n-ai sa ma crezi in veci Imi esti putere si slabiciune Imi esti adevar si mister Te iubesc din suflet si pe vecie Mi-e tot mai c...

The scale of life - Scara vietii

The scale of life (English version) Written on 04.02.2021 On the scale of life Your up’s and down’s are never-ending You always learn something Don’t forget Where did you start And where do you want to go Look back The steps where they took you Don't forget your internal struggles Going through them you learned Remember the reason Which carried you On the scale of life Your up’s and down’s are never-ending You always learn something Do not forget Where did you start And where do you want to go Look forward, The road you want to take Follow your path Where do you want to go Don't forget your purpose And fight for what you choose ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scara vietii (versiune in romana) Scrisa 04.02.2021 Pe scara vietii Urci si cobori neincetat Inveti mereu cate ceva Nu uita De unde ai plecat Si unde vrei sa ajungi Priveste in urma,  Pasii pe unde te-au purtat Nu-ti uita luptele interne Trecand prin ele ai...

If - Daca

If (English version) Written on 01.02.2021 If you want to know another world, If you want someone to tell you honestly, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come into my world If you want to know anger, If you want to feel deep love, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come closer If you want loyalty, If you want intensity, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come to know me If you want eternity, If you want equality, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come meet me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daca (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 01.02.2021 Daca vrei sa cunosti o alta lume, Daca vrei pe cineva ce sincer ti-o spune, Spun Daca Multi nu au curajul sa o faca. Hai in lumea mea! Daca vrei sa cunosti furia, Daca vrei sa simti iubirea, Spun Daca Multi nu au curajul sa o faca. Hai mai aproape! Daca vrei loialitate, Daca vrei intensitate, Spun Daca Multi nu au curajul sa o faca Hai sa m...